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This story will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Ex-Florida Gator QB/legend Tim Tebow was out to dinner last night at Mr. Chows with some friends. When mother and daughter from North Palm Beach Florida decided to pick up the whole entire Mr. Chows bill.

And Tim accepted!

According to Mom, she walked up to Tim's table at the swanky Chinese restaurant and volunteered to pick up the entire check –Champagne, food, the whole Sha-Bang.

Once Tebow exited Chows, our guy asked him if it was true. Tim said, "they were so sweet". Hopefully the word gets out and mom and daughter can get a dinner or two on Tebow one day. That'll be beyond cool.

Told you it'll make you feel all warm and fuzzy…

Photo/Video/Writer: Sid West, @lmnotweets (Twitter), lmnogram (Instagram), (Website)