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Actor John Witherspoon, who voiced the character Robert "Granddad" Freeman and Blindman on the widely popular animated series "The Boondocks", tells LMNO L.A. exclusively that he contributed $5000 dollars to the "The Boondocks" Movie Kickstarter campaign.

Creator of The Boondocks, Aaron McGruder pitched to fans of the show for a live-action big screen version of Uncle Ruckus, a character on the show. The project failed to raise it's goal of $200K in 2013 by a little less than $70K. Which means no Boondocks live-action movie. But what does that mean for John who played Granddad for 9 seasons? No movie, no refund on his 5k (atleast that's what he told us) commitment.

On the website Kickstarter basics/frequently asked questions:

Can Kickstarter refund the money if a project is unable to fulfill?

{No, kickstarter doesn't issue refunds. Transactions are between backers and creators directly. Creators receive all funds (less fees) soon after their campaign ends.}

Now, let's check out Granddad's finer moments:

Video/Writer: Sid West, @lmnotweets (Twitter), lmnogram (Instagram), (Website)