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PokemonGo users weren't able to find their Poke Balls (FYI – I have no clue – never played this game) on Saturday because a Hacking group wanted to spoil the poke fun. Actually not sure as to why the hacking group called Poodlecorp decided to use a DDOS attack to PokemonGo servers. But they did…

And they claim the next attack will be more severe — "Just a lil test, we will do something on a larger scale" post by apparent leader of the group, XO.

This could be a heroic move by the hacking team — a man in New York did crash his car into a tree, distracted by the game. Yes, a man older than 16 years was playing PokemonGo.

Writer: Sid West, @lmnotweets (Twitter), lmnogram (Instagram), (Website)